Posts Tagged ‘aws’

Using JetS3t to upload larger number of files to S3

Sunday, February 3rd, 2008

I was looking for a tool to upload large number of files to S3. While I have been a great fan of the bash tools for browsing and accessing s3 objects and buckets and a managing a limited number of files — I could not find an easy way of uploading a large number of files (the first batch being around 800K).

Then I downloaded JetS3t. It has a nice gui called Cockpit for managing the files on S3. The GUI is pretty neat. However, for simple upload/download S3 organizer, a simple Firefox plugin does the job. If you need to extensively manage your files then JetS3t’s cockpit is the way-to-go.

For uploading a large number of files, I was looking for something which is multi-threaded and configurable. JetS3t S3 suite has a “synchronize” application which is meant to synchronize files between a local PC and S3. JetS3t allows you to configure the number of threads and connections to the S3 service. Without reinventing the wheel, I got what I wanted. However, one additional thing I needed was the ability to delete the local files once the upload was complete. On tinkering with the java src, I modded the and added the following code fragments:

public void uploadLocalDirectoryToS3(FileComparerResults disrepancyResults, Map filesMap,Map s3ObjectsMap, S3Bucket bucket, String rootObjectPath, String aclString) throws Exception  {
List filesToDelete = new ArrayList();
if (file.isDirectory() != true){

// delete files once objects are S3d
for (Iterator ite = filesToDelete.iterator(); ite.hasNext();){
 String fName = (String);
 File f = new File(fName);